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Aditi Patel

Top 10 Websites Builder Editor


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Nice, simple to use and user-friendly platform! Squarespace for me was perfect for beginners like me who had very little idea about website building. They have very nice features and layout that was quick to understand and follow. What I really liked about them is that their basic plan also offers you the best features that are all put together on one platform for designing and developing your website. I have stayed with them for around 18 months now, and I see no reason to shift to another website builder for hosting service.

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Very flexible platform! When I started working with squarespace, I didn’t have much understanding or knowledge about how to create a professional looking and appealing website. But with their features, tools and guidelines, I quickly learnt how to create a good website all by myself. The more I used Squarespace, the more I learnt about their features and more confident I got with my work. Today, I can create and manage my own website without any help or support. All thanks to Squarespace.
